
Best Seller List


As a new wholesaler, you may want to start with the Most Popular Colors, listed below.

If you've already tried our samples, we'd recommend starting with your favorite colors, "And" including some of the colors listed below.

These colors are Globally popular all year round.

There are also HOT SELLERS. The Hot Sellers are also shown in Bold.


  Natural SPF-15 Foundations and SPF-25 Ultimate Concealers

 101 Light Bisque

102 Golden Wheat

103 Cornsilk

104 Golden Tan

109 Rose Beige

110 Beige

111 Dark Tan

113 Sandstone

116 Natural Honey

127 Natural Wheat

The best colors to select depend on the majority of the skin tone your customers have (in your area) Most salons use the 20g jar foundations & setting powders, 10g jar blushes, 5g jar eye shadows
elegant-minerals-all-natural-blush-bronzer-cosmetics-made-in-usa2014.jpg mineral-blushes-bronzer-color-chart-elegant-minerals-2013.jpg

Natural SPF-15 Blushes/Bronzers

503 Light Primrose

505 Summer Glow

506 Peaches N Cream

509 Pink Glow

510 Light Merlot

511 Rosewood

514 Natural Glow

515 Passion Glow

517 Coral

528 Warm Glow (similar to B.E Warmth)


Eye Shadows are an elegant and essential way to enhance the eyes. The design can be subtle or bold depending on the occasion or personality. Be creative! 

301 Sultry Mauve

306 Brown Sugar

307 Khaki

308 Egyptian Gold

310 Cool Mist

313 Smokey Black

320 True Cream

321 Latte

324 Comet Dust

325 Silver Bullet

326 Blue Smoke

335 Purple Smoke

336 Eclipse

337 Desert Brown