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We offer the most gentle PARABEN-FREE, natural and organic body products on the market today. Made in the USA to insure they're made with the highest-quality natural ingredients!
Our Dead Sea mud helps improve wrinkles caused by age and stress, it works as an exfoliating agent to remove dead cells and excess oils. It cleanses deeply to purify the skin, stimulates circulation, encourages natural skin regeneration, and reduces muscular pain and the symptoms of skin ailments.
Using this mud regularly can help to balance the skin and rejuvenate skin cells giving your skin a more youthful and glowing appearance.
Dead Sea mineral mud cleanses and purifies the skin, thus allowing it to absorb moisture better, leaving your whole body looking radiant and refreshed. Additionally, Dead Sea mineral mud's high concentration of trace and essential elements improves circulation, helps the immune system, and reduces muscle tension and eases rheumatic pains. 100% pure Dead Sea mud with no additives.
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